Danielle Rose Danielle Rose - Psalm 88

Lord, my God, I call by day
At night I cry aloud
Let my prayer before you come
Incline your ear to my cry
For my soul is filled with troubles
My life draws near to the grave
I am reckoned as one in the tomb
I've reached the end of my strength

Like the slain lying in their graves
Like one among the dead
Like those you remember no more
You've laid me in the depths
Imprisoned I cannot escape
My eyes grow dim with grief
Your wrath lies heavy upon me, Lord
Your waves crash over me

Is your love proclaimed in the grave?
Your fidelity in the tomb?
Lord, I call to you for help
I stretch out my hands to you
Why do you reject me, Lord?
Why hide from me your face?
Friend and neighbor you've taken away
My only friend is darkness