Danielle Rose Danielle Rose - Wedding At Cana

I was with Jesus on the third day
At a wedding in Cana in Galilee.
I am always watching over all my children
At the table of the living feast.
I noticed when the wine ran short.
I said, "Son, their cups no longer overfloweth."
He said, "How does your concern affect me?
My hour has not come yet."

I am their mother; I know their needs.
I am the Mother of the One whose blood redeems.
I go to Jesus, asking Him to intercede.

They have no wine--I'll change the water into wine.
They have no peace--I'll wash my disciples' feet.
They have no bread--I'll give my Body till they're fed
They have no love--I'll send the holy dove
Mother Mary, pray for me

Do whatever He tells you.
Fill your hearts up to the brim.
You will come to know His joy
If you are not afraid to change,
To give your life to Him.

I am your mother; I know your needs.
I am the Mother of the One whose blood redeems.
I go to Jesus, asking Him to intercede.

No tienen vino--I'll change the water into wine.
No tienen paz--I'll wash my disciples' feet.
No tienen pan--I'll give my Body till they're fed
No tienen amor--I'll send the holy dove.
Mother Mary, pray for me.

The disciples saw His glory and they began to believe.
Oh, to think it all was started at a wedding feast.
Husband and wife in union is the source of every life.
Jesus married His Body in service to the church, His Bride.